Monday, April 03, 2006

A Tribute To A Young Journalist

This is just a short post in tribute to what I believe is the heroism of Jill Carroll. I have never actually read anything written by Jill Carroll but that doesn’t stop me from respecting and admiring her. I have read a lot about her over the last 82 days and I must say that what I have read has impressed me and left me with nothing but respect and admiration. I have been left with a picture of a young woman trying to report on the truth of the horror that is the Iraq war and the plight of the Iraqi people. I can think of no nobler cause for a young journalist to pursue so I can think of a no more appropriate place to be than where she was when she was abducted.

My experience with the military, of which I’ve had a little, has also left me with a deep appreciation for the fate and experiences of prisoners of war and hostages. I would tell you that even with my depth of experience I can only imagine the ordeal that Jill Carroll experienced over those 82 days of captivity. They were, I’m sure, those things of which nightmares are made. Just knowing these things are what make me see her as and believe her to be a true heroine. I believe that for her to be home in what appears to be good health and whole, at least physically, is a blessing for her and her family but what scars she may bear mentally will only really begin to be seen with the passage of time and for whatever those may be I am deeply saddened.

Now, as I said this post will be short, but I cannot bring it to a close without a comment on what I consider the grotesque conduct and comments of some all knowing, all seeing, heroic conservative bloggers and talking heads that have belittled the actions of Jill Carroll. From what I have seen in the past a returning hostage would never be questioned as to their conduct while in captivity but unfortunately in the politically hyper charged and divided political media world created by the radical Neocon, Vulcan, Rovian, Republicans of the Bush administration and those influenced and controlled by them it has become the norm. For you Rovian savants I want to tell you that whatever Jill Carroll said or did while in captivity that helped her to gain her freedom was the dead on correct thing to do or say. What I mean by that is that I laud and commend her for whatever she said or did that convinced her captors to free her. She was not a prisoner of war but the hostage of a bunch of radical criminals. So for you slim sucking ultra conservative radicals, for those of you who would point an accusing finger of shame at Jill Carroll as though she were a prisoner of war in your little make believe world I say this. First, it’s and Iraqi civil war and an American occupation. Second, when you have gone to Iraq and been taken captive and held for 82 days and returned, call me and I’ll have time to listen to you. Until you have completed that little mission I would ask that you simply shut the f**k up because you have no credibility.

Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.


Anonymous said...

my standard response to those who would take silly potshots as someone like jill carroll from the safety of their air conditioned offices (and the empire state building being a possible terror target will not get you a combat badge or action ribbon) is the same one i used to offer remfs before heading back out to the boonies of dong ap bai: "here, you're welcome to go and take my place )(*&)HLUPOIUP 0-er." needless to say, there were not any takers then, there won't be any now. it used to be unthinkable that someone would contemplate seeking office after weaseling out of service in a conflict. now it's "the smart thing to do." and we have our policy formed by cowards and our battles fought by young people the cowards call chumps. i don't care what the circumstances or events leading up to jill's release were either. all i say is hurrah! welcome home jill.

sgtfreedom said...

Well Said Sgt Major

LT said...

Well said, Sgt. Major, well said and appreciated. Thank you.