Monday, December 05, 2005

Denial, Denial Everywhere And Not A Plan In Sight.

I find the word denial to be a very interesting word and I find that it is particularly appropriate and pertinent today in both Washington and the rest of America. Beginning first with the ‘rest of America’ I must say that I believe that most of America is denying that there are consequences to pay for their actions and lack of actions as individuals. I am stunned by the rampant consumerism that grips this country and is spreading across the globe like a plague. We consume natural resources like they are a bottomless pit of plenty and yet the science is right in front of us telling us that these resources are finite and being depleted at a rate that will insure much of it is gone before the end of this century. We are even consuming the renewable resources at a rate that will surely insure their fate of being depleted to the point of extinction. That is one case of terminal denial. The next that applies to the ‘rest of America’ is their denial that we are going to always be the reigning superpower. They deny this in the face of the fact that other countries such as India and China are already nuclear powers, China is putting people in space and both are current and even greater future economic behemoths that will surely wash the United States away in a tsunami of exports and that wave is nearing our shores as I write this blog. They are in denial that this country is a nation of just 300+ million people in a world of 5+ billion people of whom the vast majority does not share our cultural, ethical, or religious values and whom we will ultimately have to deal with as a nation on every level.

Unfortunately the denial in Washington is even deeper. Our elected officials, and in particularly those elected officials currently in control, are in denial that they are responsible to the American public. One can only assume this because first, they appear to believe that it is okay to mislead the American people on such critical issues as the war in Iraq, Social Security, taxes, Medicaid, Medicare and etc, etc, etc. Next they appear to believe that it is okay to be as corrupt as you want to be as long as you don’t get caught or you’re in a position that you can change the laws or rules so that they don’t apply to you and you can rig the rules so you stay in power no matter what you do. But mostly they are in denial that it is ultimately they who are responsible for the future of this nation. I am not seeing anyone in the Bush administration or the leadership of Congress and the Senate stand up for what is truly right for America. Today I heard that Ford Motors is closing 8 plants in the United States. Since the Bush administration came into office I have not seen one single meaningful proposal or act to reinvigorate the American economy and keep or create meaningful jobs in this country. In fact the contrary is true and we are hemorrhaging jobs and goods production capability at a life threatening rate. I have seen tax cut after tax cut pushed through for corporate America and the other very wealthy donors who pay our elected officials to cut their taxes and remove the safeguards for working Americans. What else can you call the corruption that is so rife in Washington today but simple pay to play by the wealthy? These things are obvious to the casual observer if you just look at the newspapers and read about the elected officials being indicted for corruption, perjury or bribery and about the no bid contracts in Iraq or after hurricane Katrina where the government is being over charged (That’s a nice word for robbed by the way.) And I ask you what does official Washington and the White House do but make excuses and lie about whatever the issue may be.

No, I think denial is a good word. You remember when the use of the term “plausible deniability” was in vogue. Well it’s back and with a vengeance. Create “plausible deniability” and you’re home free is the motto of this administration.

Now I want you to know that I don’t think any other party or politician is offering any meaningful alternative. I am not seeing a reasonable plan from the Democratic Party to guide this country out of the muck we have been led into. So I ask the leadership of the Democratic Party or any leader to step forward with a plan to take this country out of the neocon muck that we have been led into. Give us a plan for Iraq. Give us a plan for meaningful tax relief. Give us plan for Medicare and Medicaid. Give us a plan to keep your hands off of Social Security. Give us a plan for making America the greatest industrialized nation in the world once again. Give us a plan to create jobs in America with a fair wage. Give us a plan to reduce the national debt. Give us a plan to SECURE America. GIVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE A PLAN NOW!

Those are the Sergeant Majors Thoughts on That.

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