Friday, December 30, 2005

Shock Jocks On The Defense And Other Political Stories

I find it interesting that the radical right (neocons) gets so defensive on virtually every issue that they are called to task on.   It doesn't matter if it's Terrorism, Iraq, or Katrina, or any other issue, they seem to always respond the same, and, it is rarely in an objective factual manner.  When I look at or listen to one of the shock jock political commentators such as O'Reilly, Limbaugh, or Boortz to name a few it is always the same.   Their broadcasts are generally filled with or consist solely of pure spin and more often out right lies without any plain and simple facts or any other sociopolitical redeeming value.   It's always the other guys fault and never theirs, rather like a child that has been caught acting naughty.  The only problem is that the naughty radical right is destroying our country.
The sad reality is that the heart of the radical right, the elected political counterparts to these political shock jocks are identical in their modus operandi.  They never answer a direct question.  They never answer a direct question with simple facts.  And they never answer a direct question by addressing the issue openly and honestly but rather they bend/spin the conversations to deflect responsibility away from themselves.  When do you think they will learn that if you do the right and correct thing up front you don't have to lie or spin?  You'd think they would have learned that from Bill Clinton.   I personally don't believe that they will ever learn and the reason is simple.  They don't want to do the right and correct thing because it doesn't benefit or enrich them to do it.
A glaring example of this shock jock spin and lie is evidenced in today's news.  The headline reads "Bush Team Rethinks Its Plan for Recovery".   What they are talking about here is political recovery.  When you read these articles you find that the gist of them is that the Bush administration has decided to conduct a 'Rovian' political attack while simultaneously displaying more "candor" about the setbacks in the conducting of the Iraq war in order to get back on top politically.   Now if you have no understanding of Mr. Rove's political ethics you need only look to Alabama, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, and any other place where he directed political campaigns and you will discover that it means character assassination by lie and innuendo a la Clellan and McCain. And candor means to the Bush administration admitting only that there have been a few very minor "setbacks" and nothing more.   In none of this is there any hint of truth.  It is not about governing but politics and power grabbing pure and simple.   It's still not about what is good for the nation.  It is still only about how can I stay on top?  How can I keep giving to my rich friends at Halliburton?
I would put two facts to you for considerations.  Look at the periods of economic growth and prosperity during the last century and look at which political party was in power at the time.   Also look at the periods of economic stagnation and look at which political party was in power at the time.  I believe what you will find is that during every single period of economic growth and prosperity the Democrats were in office and during each period of stagnation Republicans were in office.  Now second thing to consider is to look at today's political leaders of both parties and see who served in the armed forces and who didn't.  While you are looking at military service look at the political shock jocks and see who served their country and who didn't.  I believe you will find that of those in power in both parties it is the Democrats who have the highest rates of military service.   Now remember it was the radical right political operatives, shock jocks and politicians who ridiculed and smeared the service of the Democratic candidates and public servants who served their country.
Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.

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