Thursday, December 08, 2005

I Don't Want To Be PR'd And Don't Take My Word For It

One of the things that bother me most is how PR changes people's minds. I noticed in the last few days there have been one or two "economic indicators" that have shown some improvement. The amazing thing is that these "indicators" are transient and mostly meaningless items and all of a sudden they along with the Rovian PR campaign on the economy and Iraq are the cause of a five point increase in the polls for the President. I can't believe that the American people are so gullible as to believe that all of a sudden this President along with his neocon henchmen has become these competent statesmen. The reality is no they haven't and nothing has change in the last 4 weeks to make them so. They are still the same incompetent people, who according to people like Lt. General William Odom, former Director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan, and a Republican and Rep. John P. Murtha, Conservative Democrat and retired Marine Corps Colonel and combat veteran on the House Armed Services Committee, who conducted this misguided war like rank amateurs. These are still the people who failed to develop a comprehensive or any kind of workable plan for the occupation of Iraq after the invasion. These are still the people who after four years have failed to make this nation safer according to the bipartisan 9/11 Commission. These are still the people who have not found Osama Bin Laden. These are still the people who ignored warnings of imminent natural disaster (here ). These are still the people who have brought us the largest deficit in American history. These are still the people who apparently do not care about the American people as much as they do wealth and power. I use harsh words true but it is because I find it absolutely incomprehensible that members of this administration can face the American people after what they have put upon them. Thousands of our soldiers are dying and being maimed in Iraq for oil. Not to capture the criminals who perpetrated 9/11. Not for the freedom of the Iraqi people (78%), who don't want us in their country. Not to find, capture, and secure weapons of mass destruction that never existed but for OIL, MONEY, and a misguided ideology. If one does a careful analysis of all of the news reports leading up to and during this war it is obvious by the public statements of the principles of this administration that they intended to invade Iraq from the beginning, collected cherry picked data to justify doing so, and purposely misled the American people and Congress into this war. I strongly encourage anyone to review as much of the mainstream media coverage and public documents and you will find this to be true. If you look at the testimony of current and former members of this administration you will find that the current members consistently contradict themselves and that the former members were consistently undermined by the neocon chicken hawks of this administration and the facts that were presented about the purpose for invasion and the reality of occupation were consistently ignored and or manipulated.

I encourage every American to not fall for the talking head PR campaign of the conservative media and look at the facts. The reality is that this administration led by George W. Bush is responsible for the deplorable condition of this country. We are no longer the respected pillar of human rights we have historically been. We are no longer the superpower that the world turns to for leadership. We are no longer the economic superpower the world turns to for the way out of poverty. We are in fact becoming a crumbling 'empire'. We need real leadership to lead us out of the muck of neocon slim we have been drug into. I once again call upon the Democratic Party to present a plan to take us back to the future. We need real leadership to restore our standing in the world community. We need real leadership to restore our economic engine. We need real leadership to fight terrorism and to make our country safer. Show us the plan.

Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.


Anonymous said...

Larry, the economy is doing great. It's not PR, it's facts.

Anonymous said...

The Democratic party has no leadership and has no plan other than to go opposite of what the Republicans choose. What's good for the country is bad for the Democrats (and vice versa).

Larry A Myers said...

As of this morning the stock market has lost more for the year than it's gained. Unemployment is up 7,700 more than expected last week and Ford is closing 10 plants and General Motors is closing plants and laying people off. Service sector minimum wage jobs are not the answer. That's not a good economy to me nor a bright future. Why don't the conservatives respond to or address the corruption instead of always trying to change the subject?