Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Waiting Until He Shoots Himself

Let me say up front that I am, to paraphrase General Douglas MacAurther, just an old soldier and I am fading away.  Having said that I am however a follower of current events and political machinations and what I have observed over the last 5 years makes this old soldier, shall we say, nervous and in fact very, very nervous.  Not to mention nauseous and sometimes just plain violently ill.  Let me explain why.

Over the last five years I have watched an administration that does not have the support of a majority of Americans become what I believe is one of the most insolent and powerful administrations in the history of United States.  And what makes me very, very nervous is first, that I do not see an end to the accumulation of power by this administration and second I do not see either the House or the Senate reining in the executive power grab.  I believe that the legislative branch leadership is in fact a bunch of blindly greedy, inept, and almost buffoonish coconspirators.

I believe this crusty old Sergeant Major is becoming somewhat infamous for his lists of Bush transgressions against this nation so I’m not going to do the usual here because I believe I have provided enough of those in many of my earlier posts to support what I say here.

From day one this administration has had a very specific, and not conservative but radical, neo-conservative agenda that has had two main purposes and several sub-purposes.  The first goal of this administration was to garner as much executive power as possible as soon as possible so as to further empower themselves to accomplish their second goal which was to implement an agenda aimed at first enriching a very elite group of their wealthiest American cohorts and second to break the social programs of the American government while simultaneously redirecting and pumping as many tax dollars as possible into corporate America (Privatization and Outsourcing) and they are succeeding in their endeavors.

The Bush administration is using brute force, coercion, and intimidation in all that they do whether it is politically twisting the arms of fellow Republicans and Democrats alike or forcing the opposition party off of K street to forcefully get their way in the legislative branch or it is taking oil fields of other countries, they know only a slash and burn mentality for getting all they want.  One must not be a political science major or possess an advanced degree to draw a clear picture of where this administration was headed from the beginning or where they are going in the future.

In their every act is arrogance, disdain, and often open contempt for anyone or anything that disagrees with them or gets in the way of their agenda.  This is overtly, intuitively, and blatantly obvious by their actions as was demonstrated by the president in by-passing courts to, let’s not sugar coat it, spy on American citizens and it was reinforced by the idiotic actions of the vice president in snubbing his nose at the American public when he does something as serious as shooting someone.  And by the way, not to be nitpicky but, as a ‘former’ quail hunter, you have to be an idiot to shoot a fellow hunter.  Especially if you are considered a veteran, ‘expert,’ hunter.

From the building of the Texas Republican political empire through the slimy political gerrymandering, redistricting, and political contribution kickback schemes to the K Street project to totally marginalize the opposition party financially they have plotted taking complete control of our government.  (Yes I used the term ‘plotted’ but only because it is so blatantly obvious that these things are overtly intentional and planned.)  From the disastrous 2000 presidential election that was so manipulated by the Governor of Florida and conservatives on the Supreme Court as to make elections a joke to the malicious use of 9/11 for political gain they have crawled to new lows for any group of “Tammany Hall” style politicians in the history of our nation.

Yes today is an open rant but a healthy one.  I am also furious at the Democratic Party because they have been so obviously paralyzed as to make virtually no progress in even slowing down this administrations march to a near autocratic government.  Virtually all progress that has been made against this administration has been by grassroots organizations operating in near autonomy through the internet and on blogs.  I must ask the Democrats, as someone who has contributed to the Party and many of its candidates consistently, I would like to know if you simply do not have the ability to sit down together (the leadership) and look at the never ending and blatantly, intuitively obvious list of failures, missteps, and plain old criminal acts of the Bush administration and come up with a logical, meaningful, and effective plan to defeat this political machine or are you all so inept that you cannot take something so obvious and use it to your advantage?  Can you not think out of the old guard box or do we have to wait until he shoots himself?  (That’s a joke NSA, Secret Service, O’lie-ly or whoever else is listening in.)

Listen Democratic leadership, there is a vast common ground among the varied constituency of the Democratic Party.  We have an internet community that is easily and readily mobilized.  Form and solidify the message of the party (I’ve told you what it is enough times.) and start getting it out.  Use all of us crazy, whacked out bloggers and wanna be geeks.  Don’t play doormat anymore.  Attack the Republican machine and, above all, be consistent and unified.

Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.

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