Thursday, November 17, 2005

You Can Fool Them Some Of The Time

Verbal assaults don’t make it true Mr. Cheney. Once again and true to form the Vice President ‘attacks’ any and all critics of the administration for voicing concern over the administrations actions leading up to the war in Iraq and since. (Note that I use the term ‘attack’ and not the usual ‘lashes out’ that the press so loves. I use this term because Dick Cheney does attack and he does it with zeal and with well practiced and loved skill.) This administration continues to love to spin, twist and corrupt information in an attempt to discredit its critics and continues to accuse them of being unpatriotic or of not supporting the troops. As my mother use to say; Hog Wash! The critics of this administration are correct, and just, in questioning an administration that has a long record of ‘adjusting’ information and intelligence to fit their needs. Knight Ridder does a pretty good job of putting their misleading statements in context at the link provided with this post. This article contains some particularly pointed facts that support the Democratic statements that they did not have access to the same intelligence that the administration did and that the information the administration had was significantly more detailed and provided a much greater degree of balance in intelligence than that provided to the Congress. I can’t help but wonder at what point will truth completely overwhelm these people? Their skill in looking the American people in the camera eye and just plain lying is absolutely amazing. What is also amazing is how slowly the mainstream media continues to be in reporting all of the facts. I find the recent Woodward revelations another interesting example of spin. The focus seems to be on how Bob Woodward’s testimony might affect Scooter Libby’s case and not on the fact that there is yet another “senior administration” official revealing classified information. First Woodward’s testimony has little or no direct bearing on the case against Libby. If anything it shows the expanding scope of an investigation that is revealing some pretty serious national security breaches. Secondly there are more people in this administration telling national secrets than carter has little liver pills and third the real story is that security means nothing to this administration. It certainly and obviously doesn’t seem to mean anything to them when it conflicts with their political agenda. This administration has not changed their political or governing tactics since taking office. It is always attack and distract. Accuse them of being unpatriotic and they won’t notice we are divulging national security secrets. Accuse them of being “opportunist” and they won’t notice we’re lying. Accuse them of undermining our war effort by criticizing our policies and they won’t notice we don’t know what we’re doing and don’t have a plan. Gentlemen I hate to tell you but not all Americans are as naïve as you believe or would like them to be. They’ve been catching on and you can tell by the three links on the right side of my blog.

"It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare."

Mark Twain

Those are The Sergeant Majors thoughts on that.

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