Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mathews Is a Neocon Shill

I was just watching Chris Mathews and he had Governor Haley Barbour on his show and once again he has shown that he is nothing but a Bush shill.  His blatant timing by giving the neocons time and cutting the Progressive speakers short.  There are so many ways to lean a talk show right or left and Chris thinks he has it down to a sleaze science but he’s wrong.  The tapes are the tapes Chris and the transcripts are the transcripts Chris.  George W. Bush said what he said and he said “no one anticipated the levees being breeched.”  And breeching of the levees has been discussed “thousands” of times and that’s the truth so don’t try to take Max Mayfield’s words “topping” and spin them in an attempt to make Bush look competent.  This administration botched the Katrina response and they continue to botch the disaster.  It’s obvious to anyone half literate.  Give me a break Mathews.
Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.

1 comment:

brainhell said...

It's fun to watch them dance, though.