Thursday, March 02, 2006

What Do Hurricanes And Nuclear Treaties Have In Common?

I realize that I am just your average citizen but I really don’t understand this. If, as this report and the video would indicate, the President of the United States and the Secretary of Homeland Security were fully briefed on hurricane Katrina and; they were warned that there was a strong likelihood that the levees around New Orleans would be breached and they were fully briefed by the head of FEMA that he did not believe that they were prepared for Katrina why was the reaction still so slow?

Actually, coming from the background that I do and knowing a little something about emergency management and procedures I find this lack of response on the part of these two individuals criminal in nature. I simply cannot, nor do I believe any rational person could, fathom that the two people most responsible for the safety and security of this nation could be so completely disengaged and out of touch with what was going on in New Orleans after these warning. Perhaps this quote applies once again, “Frankly, senior officials simply weren't ready to pay attention to analysis that didn't conform to their own optimistic scenarios.” That seems to have been their attitude about Iraq and it seems to have been repeated with Katrina. I think that the greatest failing of this administration is its myopic view of the world in general. They obviously don’t have the ability to see anything beyond their own self interest.

It is fairly straightforward to me that when you are faced with a pending and forecasted natural disaster of catastrophic proportions you move to your emergency operations center and direct the activities of your organization. It is intuitively obvious to me that after reading the information available on the actions of the President, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Director of FEMA that they were all obviously derelict in their duties. It’s that plain and that simple. Nothing and I repeat nothing happened on the Gulf Coast when hurricane Katrina hit that could not and should not have been appropriately responded to and the damage that was done and continues to be done could have and should have been greatly mitigated. It is pure and simple dereliction of duty and a failure to fulfill the responsibilities of the positions for which they were elected and appointed. Additionally it is a clear violation of their oaths of office by which they are bound.

While we’re discussing a violations of oaths of office this little ditty really blows my mind. So now we have decided to ignore the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and sign deals with countries like India that are not a party to the treaty. Sign deals with nations that have nuclear weapons and haven’t signed the NPT. Oh how bright we are. And by the way when the president was called on it by a reporter did you hear his response? I hope someone recorded it. It made absolutely no sense what so ever. I mean it. It was almost so Bush like as to be beyond funny and achieve the sublimely ridiculous. It……made……..sense! The man cannot communicate. There is no way he is in charge of this administration. Someone must be thinking for him and they obviously didn’t have him wired or he would have been at least somewhat coherent. I really hope that response is on tape and if the mainstream media doesn’t ridicule him for his obvious lack of oratory skill then they are derelict in their duties.

The answer to the lead question is they are both evidence that there is no intelligent life in the Whitehouse.

Short post today but I had to get something out there.

Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.

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