Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why Does Bush Hate American Soldiers? – Or Why Is He Destroying America?

Part I – Hating Soldiers.

This post on Daily kos yesterday brought back some bad memories: Why we need to leave Iraq ASAP-from someone who is over there, by djtyg.

As I read this I had just published my own rant about the Le Moyne College/Zogby Poll of American military personnel serving in Iraq. These two things together gave me a real live flashback. I mean cold sweats; got the shakes, mind blowing flashback. Let me explain why.

Thirty four years ago I was nearing the end of my first enlistment in the United States Army. I had just finished 20 months in Vietnam as a grunt and a door gunner and I was waffling between staying in the Army and getting out because I knew I could get out and go home. I knew I could go home and I had a good chance at a good job. But something happened just before I was to leave the service. I met a crusty old hard hitting, hard fighting First Sergeant. He was my company First Sergeant and he had shown me and I knew he really cared about and loved his soldiers.

Here’s what happened. The First Sergeant pulled me off to the side one day and he said, “Myers, I’m asking you to re-up and stay in and I’m gonna tell you why. We need good Noncommissioned Officers to put this Army back together when this shit in Nam is over.” He said, “I think you’ve got potential Myers and I want you to stay in.” Well the rest was history. I took what “Top” said to me to heart and went from there to try to become the best Noncommissioned Officer I could be.

Over the next 24 years I was proud to serve under some great officers and Senior Noncommissioned Officers. Vietnam had taken a devastating toll on the military. We had lost all of our experience and the core of the Noncommissioned Officer and Officer corps had been ravaged from years of neglect and bad leadership. But there was a small core of Noncommissioned Officers and Officers left with a real vision for the Army. They had an incredible desire and will and were determined to rebuild the Army. They rebuilt the United States military into the finest, most powerful and effective fighting machine in the history of the world. It really was just that good. And I was extremely proud to be a part of that rebuilding. When I retired in 1996 I knew my army was the best in the world and I was leaving it in good hands.

That was then and this is now. What I have been watching over the last 5 years is the, not so slow, destruction from within of the American military that so many good soldiers rebuilt over the nearly three decades after the Vietnam War. I have watched as George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the neocons and Vulcan’s have destroyed our Army. Djtyg’s post brought it all home again. As he/she wrote of how the experienced soldiers were once again leaving the military I had visions of that hollow post Vietnam force that I so vividly remember. You don’t make these things up. When the soldiers start talking and writing about it and most disturbingly start voicing their opinions with their feet as they walk out the door you know you’re in big trouble. The $160,000 dollar bonuses they are offering the Special Forces just reminds me of the huge bonuses they offered the soldiers at the end of Vietnam. It’s all the same.

This administration does not care about American soldiers. That is my absolute firm belief. The megalomaniac Donald Rumsfeld and the rest of the Vulcan’s are destroying the American military with malice of forethought. Rumsfeld began on day one when the many professional military officers tried to point out to him and the rest of the administration the mistakes they were making as they marched to war in Iraq. Instead of listening and taking the advice of those officers he fired them and brought in the yes men lapdogs that would follow their idiotic orders. Instead of listening to the CIA and NSA he created his own intelligence agency in the pentagon that would tell him what he wanted to hear. Neither he nor his incompetent boss wanted the truth unless it met their warped needs and desires. Sure they marched into Iraq with overwhelming force and won the war of the armies in a matter of weeks, but through arrogance and ignorance they are loosing the occupation, reconstruction is nonexistent, and the war on terror is floundering because they failed to plan and failed to listen to those with the professionalism, knowledge, and experience. They have allowed our military to become bogged down in a civil war that is in all likelihood going to spill over and destabilize the entire region. And while our military is bogged down in the quagmire of Iraq the terrorists use them for training targets and expand and hone their own capabilities to wreak havoc on the entire world.
You can smear lipstick all over this pig but it’s still a pig. Iraq is just another Vietnam but with far more devastating consequences for the United States, the United States military, and the nation and world as a whole. The absolute lack of a cohesive foreign policy is taking this nation toward an abyss. Each and every step this administration makes seems to take the Middle East ever more near total destabilization.

Part II – Hating America.

The Bush administration has been on a downward spiral sense their rein of incompetence began in January 2001. And, they are purposefully dragging the nation down with them. This is a corrupt administration with a corrupt Legislative branch that refuses to fulfill their sworn duty to uphold the constitution and fulfill their obligation to conduct oversight. It is my belief that the Executive branch and the president specifically is guilty of impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors if not treason and that the Legislative branch leadership is equally guilty by reason of complicity. I just took a few minutes to peruse published reports and news coverage of this administration. I have often said in the past that simply reviewing these sources is sufficient to show any skeptic that this president and administration are incompetent at best and criminal at worst and I believe the following list demonstrates more than adequately that I am correct in this regard.

Bush Lies, Failures, and Corruption:

Stolen Election 2000
Failed before and on 9/11
Thousand Mile stare as the towers come down
Lied About WMD
Lied About al Qaeda/Iraq Connection
Divulged Classified Information
Failed The Troops Act I – Shortage of armored vehicles
Failed The Troops Act II – No body armor
Torture at Abu Ghraib
Torture at Guantanamo
Stole Another Election 2004

Failed To Protect Nation During Natural Disaster
Violated The Fourth Amendment/FISA Law Act I
Violated The Fourth Amendment/FISA Law Act II
Failed Port Security Act I - Don't Protect
Failed Port Security Act II – Don’t Control
Iraq Civil War Act I
Iraq Civil War Act II
Iraq Civil War Act III
Corruption Act I – David Safavian
Corruption Act II

Senate/House Corruption:
Bill Frist
Delay Act I
Delay Act II
Jack Abramoff
Duke Cunningham
Bob Ney

And after all of this there came a day when the sleeping American public groaned in their sleep.
They’ve groaned but will they awaken. The old saying goes, “where there’s smoke there’s fire” but in the case of the Bush administration and the neocon controlled Legislative branch there is enough smoke that, like in most house fires, our American family will all probably suffocate in our sleep long before we ever get burned. This, to me, is the sad truth. The American people have lain dormant for so long that it just might be too late. The Muslim world is burning and America is in their sights. George W. Bush has conducted foreign policy in such a befuddled and incompetent manner that he has created America hating enemies throughout the world. It is my greatest fear that this administration has bungled foreign and domestic policy so badly that it may be at the point of no return. Let’s hope and pray not.

Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.

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