Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Why are we really there.

Recently as I read several articles on the Presidents speech to the National Endowment for Democracy and read how he likened the war on terror to a global struggle like that of the Cold War, I had to shake my head. If that is the case then I think we can and should draw a distinct parallel to the war in Iraq with that in Vietnam.

Mr. President we did not win the Cold War in Vietnam nor are we going to win the war on terror in Iraq.

Terror is not a war to be won. Terror is not the Soviet Union, terror is a pestilence to be fought and hopefully eradicated through the use of a true international coalition and alliances of partners and with the aid and use of intelligence, law enforcement, meaningful relations with Islamic people and Nations and when absolutely necessary violent military force exercised with surgical precision.

Our first steps as a nation must be to exercise good judgment leadership in laying out a clear plan of withdrawal from Iraq as quickly as possible while leaving the Iraqi people in charge of their own destiny. This first step is urgent because the longer we are there the more like and occupation it becomes to the Islamic world and the more training real terrorist will get at our and the Iraqi peoples expense. The second and most crucial step we must take is to simultaneously form meaningful coalition and alliances of truly willing nations and begin real action to eliminate the terror threat to all the nations of this world.

This I believe is the real solution to the crisis this nation faces in Iraq and around the world.

Sergeant Major Larry A. Myers
United States Army Retired)

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