Monday, October 31, 2005

A Lie is a Lie is a Lie

I was off for the weekend and fortunately disconnected from the news most of the time. I am grateful for that brief respite because it has given me some time to think and gain some perspective. I’ve been catching up on the news and I find it very interesting or maybe just discouraging. I keep looking for some real understanding from this administration and there is never any on the horizon. Once again it would appear that Mr. Bush has no intention of uniting this country. His apparent Supreme Court nominee is yet another judicial zealot and his and Mr. Bush’s actions are going to simply further divide this nation. The one thing this administration has mastered is the art of incompetence and deceit. The indictment of Mr. Libby should demonstrate to the American people that this administration doesn’t play fair or straight. The nomination of Mr. Alito further demonstrates Mr. Bush’s desire to pander to the zealots within the Republican Party.

This morning we hear that Mr. Libby is too smart to have made such mistakes in the Plamegate case and is falling on his sword for Mr. Cheney. I say whether that is true or not it just serves to confirm that this Bush administration is willing to sacrifice all to continue to maintain power. It is my fervent hope that the Democratic Party will finally step forward and become the true voice of the American people. It is time to stand up and say we won’t be manipulated. We won’t continue to be lied to. We were misled into war and we need to get out of Iraq and start doing the right thing.

Let me say this as plainly as possible. We were lied to about the reasons for going to war in Iraq. They (The Bush administration.) said there were weapons of mass destruction. They knew there were not any based on intelligence. They warped the intelligence to meet their ends. (LIED) There was no connection between the 9/11 attacks and Iraq. They warped the intelligence to meet their ends. (LIED)

This administration must present a plan to the American people for leaving Iraq. Yes we (actually Bush) broke it and now we own it. Now develop a plan to extricate our forces from this gross mistake and turn this nation back over to the people who are its citizens.

No more lying Mr. Bush. And while you’re at it fire Karl Rove and any other administration official who was involved in outing Valerie Plame Wilson as you said you would do in the beginning. Or was that a lie to Mr. Bush?

Those are The Sergeant Majors thoughts on that.

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