Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Ship Without A Rudder – Or George’s Little Fiefdom

Let’s play who’s the captain. I’ve come to the conclusion that this country is like a giant ocean liner adrift in that political and economic ocean called the world and there’s a barroom brawl in the pilothouse.

The citizens of this great country, like the passengers of an ocean liner are paying for and deserve the best trip possible and they deserve to make their journey in the safest manner possible and I don’t think they’re getting their moneys worth. In fact I believe they are being robbed, ripped off, and mugged to boot.

The captain of this ship came to his position under less than perfect circumstances, his authority is questionable, and they’ve been scrapping every since he took the helm. That being said he’s the captain and everyone has pretty much accepted that. Now, having said that, that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be fired along with the rest of the crew and a new captain and crew brought on board.

A quick scan of recent news shows that nothing is being accomplished on this ship. The captain is out of touch with reality and his crew and passengers. He’s a radical neocon and he’s pandering to the passengers in first class and ignoring the rest. The crew is rife with corruption and graft and generally ignoring the passengers, except the ones in first class who can afford to pay them for their favors.

Now the real problem is that any possible replacement captain and crew are asleep. Dead sound asleep and don’t seem to show any signs of life and actually that’s the really scary part.

Now let’s talk real world. One thing that really frosts me is that the Democratic Party is not getting it together. They are themselves like a ship without a rudder, asleep at the wheel or whatever other euphemism you choose to use. The bottom line is they’re not moving and the Republican Party is in a shambles.

Let’s think about this for a minute. The president of the United States has lied to the American people and it is and should be obvious to all. His and his staff’s credibility is less than suspect to nonexistent a la Libby, Rove et al. The Republican leadership in the Congress to include the Senate is pretty much a bunch of key stone cop criminals and most are obviously guilty of taking bribes or at the least guilty of being unethical. On top of this the Republican Party has no agenda other than tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts and the Democrats can’t seem to come up with a thing.

Now tell me we aren’t a ship without a rudder. If you look at the American economy, the employment, job growth, budget deficit, trade deficit or whatever measure you may choose the country is at best on autopilot and headed for an iceberg and all we get is more of the same from the Republican Party and dead silence from the Democratic Party. And the press whom you would hope would be playing mine canary is busy picking seeds out of the hands of corporate executives and politicians.

It just seems to me that at every turn and opportunity the Democratic Party fails to come through. The Alito hearings are a current classic example in today’s news. The Democratic Senators, instead of using this opportunity to really probe and get at his judicial philosophy and record so they can torpedo his a** with the American publics support, they are pontificating and blabbering along with the Republican Senators. What’s that all about? Do they want the Supreme Court to swing completely to the right so that we lose all of our civil liberties?

The citizens of this country need leadership with a serious agenda. We have been hearing for months about how the Democratic Party is going to roll out a plan similar to the Republican contract with America. Well I for one don’t want a Democratic version of a Republican contract with America. I want a Democratic plan to ‘secure America for Americans’. That includes economic, political and physical security and not tax cut, tax cut, tax cut. Tax cuts aren’t economic, political or physical security. Tax cuts the Republican way are, put money in rich pockets and borrow money for my buddies so future Americans can pay my bills. I for one am sick of those kind of trickle down economics that make poor Americans poorer, middle class Americans poor, and rich Americans richer.

I for one want a plan and preferably a Democratic plan to keep this country the safest, most prosperous, free country in the world and not George W. Bushes little fiefdom.

Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.

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