Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A Speech, A Beer, A Puke, And The Future

I have had a very difficult time trying to write a post for the last week or so.  The reason for this is that I am grappling with how to wrap my arms around this place in time and space and history that we find ourselves.

Let me then just share these thoughts.  This nation has never had an easy time of it.  From the blood and pain of our founding to the pictures of a young woman reporter weeping into a terrorists camera only a day ago it has been a struggle for this nation.  But, what I believe will be the most defining moment and perhaps greatest struggle for this nation in this decade if not this century will be the day the Supreme Court handed down its decision on the presidential election of 2000.

That moment in time, when that court made that judgment, placed an individual in the Whitehouse and at the head of this nations government who was and is neither intellectually nor morally capable of governing and guiding this nation much less the nations of the world in its endeavor for universal peace and prosperity.

From that, yet new day of infamy our great country has wandered in an abysmal desert, void of leadership, moral and judicial equilibrium and direction and yet filled with faux moral and religious righteousness and simple swaggering bravado with little real vision.

If we look back on these last five years this administration has governed by fear, lies, indignant innuendo and shear bullying.  

Bearing these things in mind tonight I expect nothing new.  We will see a president without real vision who will, with great bravado, prance out the same old worn neocon ideas but in new feathers.  We will hear once again how tax cuts for the wealthy are the panacea for all our ills and how the placing of all our social programs such as social security and Medicare, in the hands of benevolent private companies will save us from the evil “big government” and we will hear once again how our great and brave president is at the helm of the ship of state and will protect the meek citizens of this great country from the axis of evil and evil doers of the world waiting to invade the homeland.

When this rhetoric hits the airways tonight I for one plan to drink a beer, go to the bathroom and become violently ill, and then go about the business of helping to get that lunatic and his neocon cohorts and minions out of office.

Short tonight but filled with heart.

Those Are The Sergeant Majors Thoughts On That.

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